Sunday, April 19, 2009

Update on my sickness

Some of you already know I have been sick since last fall.
Now it has come to the point I can hardly walk or do anything that needs muscles.
To get myself dressed in the morning takes a lot of time, to go to the toilet is a big problem.
I move along the walls for a couple of hours until the stiffness has reduced.
And I have now diagnosed myself with Polymyalgia Rheumatica .....

Anyway - I finally got thoroughly tested and my Sed rate (ESR) is 64, CRP 22 and my Hemoglobin has lowed from 136 to 112 in 3 months. I also got a referral to a rheumatologist and I have an appointment Monday April 20.
I hope they will find out what is wrong with me cause I cannot bear the thought I will be this sick the rest of my life.
Fibromyalgia was the first diagnose I got, but I dont think that is the case with such high numbers in the tests.

My mind is much more positive now when I finally know I will see a specialist.
My body is the same though.....dont want to co-operate with me at all....

Just thought i would explain my MIA.
Have a nice weekend everyone.

1 comment:

JoAnne Norton said...

If you get diagnosed, go to and go to Yahoo Groups. We have an email group called PMRpain. We all email a lot.

JoAnne Norton