Saturday, May 24, 2008

Princess Carola.....LOL

Well, I know I am a BAD blogger, but THIS BAD!!!!!!
Not a word or a layout in almost 4 monts!!!! is a layout I did some time ago when Mabelle asked us to make a LO about us selves and what we liked to play with as kids. I loved the water and I spent all my summers on an island at the ocean. Still (nearly 50 years later) my favorite place in the world is our cottage place in Tammisaari at the ocean. This summer will be the first for my grandchild Ina to play in the water and relax in the sun. I hope she will grow up enjoying, respecting and appreciating the ocean.

Elements and papers by Mabelle Santiago-Rubia - My DigiStyle
Alpha by Mabelle Santiago-Rubia - My DigiStyle
Template by Melanie Lerch - Knetfeder
Phototemplate and photoborder by Christine Nash - ACOT